
Alas I know not either thy mantra or yantra, nor how to welcome thee;
or how to meditate upon, nor words of prayer to thee; nor do I know thy mudrã or how to lay before thee my griefs: but this I know
O Mother! That to follow thee is to remove all my pain.

translated from Sanskrit by ARTHUR AVALON


Shakti first called me when I was five years old, experiencing "praying in tongues" in Church for the first time. I didn't realize what exactly I was speaking, except that I was praying secretly to God. At that age, my friends and I would make up pretend languages with each other all the time so the notion that I could have a secret language with God didn't sound weird, and actually managed to turn this elusive male-oriented punitive figure in the sky into one that was more of a friend I could confide in and be silly with as I played with sounds like I did with my friends. Feeling called at such a young age to hands on healing and prayer, I immersed myself in prophetic spaces and healing prayer circles. I distinctly noticed that when I'd chant "shah-ktee", I'd feel energy rush over me. Whoever I'd be praying over would comment they felt the power of the Holy Spirit. Time and time again, without fail.

It wasn't until I was 19 that I learned that "shah-ktee" is the pronunciation of the Great Mother of the Cosmos, Creator of All of existence, Shakti, the power of her masculine counterpart, Consciousness/Observer/Father/Shiva. Like Ruach Hakodesh, she is the power of the Lord - just observed and expressed through another tongue. It is through her images all of creation is made. And through her various manifestations that all wisdom is derived.

When the spiritual foundations of institutionalized religion began to shake and crack and falter under me, the only spiritual practice that remained consistent, steadfast, and holistically good was my secret language with God where this name - Shakti abundantly flowed out my stream of consciousness. The more I leaned into this prayer, what burned away was the false narratives of God that glorified human (imperial!) authority over natural, cosmic authority. The gentle love of cosmic authority is apocalyptic in its power....narratives of the punitive God that shields abusive leaders and the god of shame that fuels the internal shame wizards inside us (yes, that is a reference to Big Mouth) dissolve and from those ashes beautiful revelations and insights of the truth of who we are emerge and planet-level healing is made possible.

For such a divinity as Shakti to reveal Herself to me as the presence that kept me alive during years of chronic abuse in church spaces... it humbles me to my core. The mercy, grace, forgiveness She has shown me and the power she has given me to live. I am an instrument for Her restoration, justice, and wisdom. It is in humble devotion to Her that I do what I do.

May the tongues we use to express the totality of the Divine restore what was lost and unite us into the multidimensionality of existence with others. There is One God: expressed in the multiplicity of images, conveyed in words that hold meaning to the power of One Divinity, wholly expressed.

signed painting of mary magdalene, halo moon with galaxy rose
signed painting of mary magdalene, halo moon with galaxy rose

What's in a Name?

When I think of a tower, it reminds me of the spine. It is within this tower that the spinal cord shoots electrical communication through our nervous system. It quite literally is what connects our body with our brain and transfers the electrical currents that energize our physical body. ​Likewise, according to Vedic scriptures, through our spine travels two kundalini serpents: the two energetic polarities, pingala (masculine) and ida (feminine) that wrap around each other in the shape of a double helix, like a DNA strand. This symbolism of the serpents rising through our spinal cord describes the energy that fuels the spiritual and energetic bodies.

Magdala Heals derives its name from Mary Magdalene's Aramaic title, "Tower". It's quickly assumed she was named this after the town Magdala, but no references are made in the New Testament to the town nor has any archaeological evidence surfaced to support this hometown claim. It would seem more in character that, how Simon was named Peter, which in Greek means "Rock", or John and James were named "Boanerges", which has been translated to "Sons of Thunder", Jesus bestowed Mary with the name "Magdala" as a reflection of who she was to the vision Jesus had for his ministry. Towers have a very strong presence. Towers are aligned, reliable, and signify a lot of power. She was the one who could authentically replicate his healing. Through the Three Marys, the mysteries of the this cosmic dance survived Roman oppression.

It is in devotion to her, my teacher, that I do what I do.